We are pleased to confirm full details
of the 1th ALNA Annual Meeting and also our 1st Virtual Conference,
from 17th to 23rd November 2020,
Together in the Air!
CONFIRM your participation on FB EVENT:
Full AGENDA: [download id=”4158″]
As you know, participation is free of fees, but we need a confirmation of attendance from your side. Once received we will provide you the link for registration and all needful instructions. After registration, you will automatically have access to the platform and you can start book your one2one meetings.
You can create ONE company profile and one, two or three attendee’s profiles – we do not suggest more as it might create confusion and overlaps.
The one2one time slots will be available, for 24H, starting with 17.11.2020 at 16:00 (Central European Standard Time) and last one2one time slot, on 23.11.2020 from 13:20 to 13:40 (Central European Standard Time).
Please take in consideration three main points:
1. 17.11.2020 – The 2020 ALNA AWARDS.
There will be 2 categories of winners: Africa and Worldwide Top Agents 2020. The first has 1 winner and the second one 4 winners and each category will have four and respective one winners. Each winner will be awarded during the live session and will receive a banner with the Award won, to expose in the signature, social networks, own websites, plus 2 minutes for a short speech.
The voting card you received will decide the winners of the Awards!!!
2. 19.11.2020 & 20.11.2020 – Two combined meeting days with ALN – Africa Logistics Network – ALNA sister network.
Due to this fact, each attendee will have 2 meeting schedulers, so 2 username and 2 passwords (can be the same, but you’ll have to accede 2 separate links – will be sent after participation confirmation).
- ALNA Scheduler – 17.11 + 18.11 + 21.11 + 22.11 + 23.11.
- ALN & ALNA Scheduler – 19.11 + 20.11.
Will provide full information for the one2one scheduler after your confirmation.
3. 23.11.2020 – Official Farewell – We invite you to comment the experience had during the Virtual Conference in front of all attendees, so whom interested to share some words, please communicate this no later than 20.11.2020 and we will schedule your intervention during the Farewell Zoom Call.
For more information, please contact us anytime at: management@alnanetwork.com