Join Us!

The world needs Africa and Africa needs the world! Want to be part of the future? Then simply join us and let’s work together on linking Africa to the world, remembering the words of Henry Ford: “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is SUCCESS!”

Membership request Form

Please note that the following information will create your profile page and will be published on ALNA website and newsletter.

By filling the form below you automatically accept ALNA Ethics Code.

You will receive full bank details to arrange Membership fee after approval of it.

Main office [protection plan included]


EUR 1500 – for Worldwide countries

EUR 750 – for African countries

Branches and subsidiaries [protection plan included]


EUR 800 – for Worldwide countries

EUR 550 – for African countries

Maximum number of members per Country: 3 with the exception China, India and USA, where the maximum number allowed is 5.

Join Us!

Join Us!

The world needs Africa and Africa needs the world! Want to be part of the future? Then simply join us...

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Covered Areas

Airfreight Logistics Network for Africa is growing day by day. We select every week new potential members checking their past experience and reliability...

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Protection Plan

The protection of the Members’ credits inside the Network is undoubles one of the basis of a good working of every Network...


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